ann 20th June 2015

Thinking of you today n every day ingrid. Now your we maria is 7 years old past on the 17 th june. Jose had a we birthday party for her . At home for the family. It was nice but the house is not the same since you died . Its so empty without you and we are all doing our best to carry on but our ma is could see it in her face when we were all gathered round your table an you werent there such a change since the happy times we all partied with you at the house on all the special dates .births. easter..halloween birthdays. Mothers day. Fathers day. Valentines day. And christmas day .we all love and miss you so much. For everything you done you done it for your 3 lovely wanes .god live them they miss you so much but you were my sister my friend and i will always be there for your your wanes like when you were living i will never forget you . Your at peace now in heaven with my da. Thank you for being the best sister anyone could ask for .rip. ingrid.